At Barber Motors, we offer a full line of replacement parts for our valued customers. We use genuine GM, ACDelco and OEM parts that are installed by our experienced, GM-certified technicians. Our knowledgeable staff can suggest specific parts that will work for you and your vehicle. If we don’t have what you’re looking for on hand, our parts specialists can locate the right part for you.
If you know the name or part number, please use our online form to place an order. Otherwise, feel free to call and a Parts Department expert will determine exactly what you need. Contact us at (306) 842-7388.
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We carry a variety of accessories for your GM vehicle. We carry items such as tires, rims, running boards, floor mats, splash guards, lights, tonneau covers, Katskin Leather, and much more!
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Open Today! Service: 8am-12pm
Open Today! Parts: 8am-12pm